Musk, Twitter Clash Over $44B Deal Trial Delay In Del. [Law360: Mergers & Acquisitions]

By Jeff Montgomery (September 6, 2022, 9:02 PM EDT) — Attorneys for tech billionaire Elon Musk urged Delaware’s chancellor Tuesday to delay the scheduled Oct. 17 start of a trial on Twitter’s suit to compel closing on Musk’s $44 billion deal to buy the company, with Twitter’s counsel slamming the request as an unsupportable litigation gambit.

The dispute capped an afternoon-long Court of Chancery battle over issues ranging from Twitter’s calls for sanctioning Musk for discovery misconduct and for a court-ordered release of Musk’s emails referencing the deal on Tesla Inc. and SpaceX servers to Musk’s claims that Twitter had failed to comply with demands for allegedly withheld Twitter employee messages…

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Author: unknown