UK Clears NortonLifeLock’s $9B Takeover Of Czech Biz Avast [buyout/ takeover]

By Irene Madongo (September 2, 2022, 4:32 PM BST) — Britain’s antitrust watchdog gave the go-ahead Friday for the approximately $9 billion takeover of digital security company Avast PLC by NortonLifeLock Inc., paving way for the acquisition to close within weeks.

The Competition and Markets Authority confirmed its provisional decision from August to clear the deal, which Kirkland & Ellis LLP estimated at the time to be worth between approximately $8.6 billion and $9.2 billion. Kirkland and Macfarlanes LLP advised Norton on the deal, while White & Case LLP guided Avast. 

Kirstin Baker, chair of the watchdog’s inquiry group, said millions of people in Britain rely on cybersecurity services to keep them safe online. NortonLifeLock, which is…

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Author: unknown