BREAKING: FTC Judge Rejects Challenge To Illumina’s $8B Grail Deal [Law360: Mergers & Acquisitions]

By Bryan Koenig (September 1, 2022, 1:05 PM EDT) — A Federal Trade Commission in-house judge has rejected the agency’s challenge to Illumina’s $8 billion reacquisition of cancer testing outfit Grail, Illumina said Thursday, ending an important chapter in the fight over the already-completed transaction.

An in-house FTC judge has rejected the agency’s challenge to Illumina’s $8 billion reacquisition of Grail, Illumina said Thursday. (Photo by Kristoffer Tripplaar/Sipa via AP Images) Illumina offered few details on the decision, which had not yet been made public as of early Thursday afternoon. A decision in the companies’ favor means that FTC Chief Administrative Law Judge D. Michael Chappell rejected arguments from FTC staff…

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